We've moved to Nashville! I'll keep you posted as I will be resuming business soon in Tennessee, thank you! - Heather

Vacation Memories – Beaver Lake

Right before summer we took our summer vacay to go see my family out in Arkansas. Bridget’s first time on a plane (will post those pics later) and my first time back since I was 16! I don’t get to fraternize much with my awesome cousins, but sometimes there are families who make it easy to pick up right where you left off and these guys and their wives are just the best people ever. They were super generous with their time, it being during the work week and all. They took the time off work and drove us miles to go see all the beauty that this state has to offer. This day we stopped at Beaver lake and the little nature reserve there. It was so beautiful, lake water is different than ocean water in the way it looks and moves. I love the ocean, but I could see myself as more of a lake girl after this trip!

Hello Friends

Let's face it, real life is messy. But I believe that our lives are beautifully created, even when they are messy. God is good in your life all the time, during the pretty stuff and the not so pretty stuff. During the perfect matching outfit days and the yoga pants and spilled applesauce days. Youth and age, smiles and tears, lights and shadows, He is good in all of them. I love seeing His presence and artistry in our everyday moments then I get to capture these moments for others to see... it doesn't get any better than that!
