We've moved to Nashville! I'll keep you posted as I will be resuming business soon in Tennessee, thank you! - Heather

Night Swim

Summer is winding down. At the end of the school year, a whole Summer seems so long. But every year when school starts again, we wonder where it went. I feel we got a lot in, more than other Summers. There were Popsicles, Looney Tunes, lots of sleeping in, and pool days. My kiddo would live at the pool if given the chance. At any time, in any weather, she wants to be there and wants us there with her. This year has been a little hotter than usual, so we’ve taken quite a few family night swim trips. It’s led up to a few really late nights, but what is Summer for anyways, right?  Next Summer she’ll be a whole year older… and the older she gets, I never know what’s going to stay. So I’m cherishing every bit of who she is right now, and right now going to the pool after dinner is one of the best things in the world. We’ll have to squeeze a few more in before Summer’s over <3Summer-2015-copy

Hello Friends

Let's face it, real life is messy. But I believe that our lives are beautifully created, even when they are messy. God is good in your life all the time, during the pretty stuff and the not so pretty stuff. During the perfect matching outfit days and the yoga pants and spilled applesauce days. Youth and age, smiles and tears, lights and shadows, He is good in all of them. I love seeing His presence and artistry in our everyday moments then I get to capture these moments for others to see... it doesn't get any better than that!
