We've moved to Nashville! I'll keep you posted as I will be resuming business soon in Tennessee, thank you! - Heather

Shades and Tones

A new location, of course, requires a test session. I love searching out locations by tone where all I see is light and color and infinite possibilities. We had a great time just meandering and exploring and B was looking too cool for school wearing my sunglasses. I love how her casual coolness and untidy curly windswept hair keep me on my photography toes and push my creative boundaries. Like a true photog-kid, she ignores almost all instructions I give her and just wants to simply be. It always stops me and reminds me that my job is never to create what is not there, but to find a way to show the beauty in what has already been created. She is my biggest inspiration!

Summer 2015

Hello Friends

Let's face it, real life is messy. But I believe that our lives are beautifully created, even when they are messy. God is good in your life all the time, during the pretty stuff and the not so pretty stuff. During the perfect matching outfit days and the yoga pants and spilled applesauce days. Youth and age, smiles and tears, lights and shadows, He is good in all of them. I love seeing His presence and artistry in our everyday moments then I get to capture these moments for others to see... it doesn't get any better than that!
